Creating a Default Connection Profile

For a workflow or business process to interact with a Laserfiche repository, the following connection information must be known: the Laserfiche Server, the Laserfiche repository, and the Laserfiche user account that you want Workflow to use to interact with the repository. This information is stored as a connection profile. Workflow and business process use the same default connection profiles.

Tip: Create or define a default connection profile so you do not have to enter connection information for each workflow or business process that requires one.

To create a default connection profile

  1. The first time you add an activity that requires a connection profile to a workflow that does not have a custom connection profile (and if no default connection profile is specified), you will be prompted to create a connection profile. This connection profile will automatically be configured as a User Profile and will be named after the repository you specify.
  2. In the ClosedLaserfiche Connection Information dialog box, specify the connection information.
  3. Optional: Select Do not request a profile again (this session) if you do not want to be prompted to provide connection information when a workflow does not have a connection profile and no default connection profile is specified. This setting will only apply during the current Workflow Designer session. If you close and re-open the Workflow Designer, this setting will be cleared and you will be prompted for a connection profile if one is necessary.
  4. Click OK. If the profile created cannot be validated, you will receive an error message.

To choose a default connection profile

  1. Select Options under ClosedTools in the main menu.
  2. Select General.
  3. Under ClosedDefault Connection Profile, choose a connection profile from the drop-down menu.
  4. Optional: If you do want to use any of the connection profiles listed, click Manage to create a new connection profile. See To create a default connection profile below for more information.
  5. Click OK.

To create a new default connection profile

  1. Create a custom or user connection profile.
  2. Select Options under ClosedTools in the main menu.
  3. Select General.
  4. Under ClosedDefault Connection Profile, choose the new connection profile from the drop-down menu.
  5. Click OK.